Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Check-in and lunch begin at 11:00am
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
Dinner at 6:00pm

Foursome ($540, a $60 discount by registering as a team)
Single ($150)
“Whole Enchilada” all-inclusive package ($40/golfer)
Cart and Green Fees
Range Balls
Lunch and Dinner
Gift Bags
Golf snacks and beverages
Entry into Longest Drive and Closet-to-the-Pin Contents
**Whole Enchilada adds 2 mulligans, putting contest entry, 1 game ticket, and 10 raffle tickets**

Sponsorship Opportunities
Raffle Gift Basket – donate themed gift basket or an item for a gift basket
Cinco-TEE-Mayo Amigo – donate $ amount of choice
Hole Sponsor ($150)
Specialty Hole ($400)
Putting Content ($400)
Longest Drive ($400)
Closest to the Pin ($500)
Beverage Cart ($500)
“19th Hole” Fiesta Lunch Sponsor ($1000)
“19th Hole” Fiesta Dinner Sponsor ($1500)
Hole and Course signage
Recognition in newsletters
Opportunity to display company banners, literature, business cards,
and advertise with items for player gifts

!! Registration and Payment are due by April 28th !!

Call: (804) 590-0031 for help, registration is closed.

Once you have registered, please monitor your email for updates and tightened schedules.