Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Check-in and lunch begin at 11:00am
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
Dinner at 6:00pm
Golfers Foursome ($540, a $60 discount by registering as a team) Single ($150) “Whole Enchilada” all-inclusive package ($40/golfer) |
Includes Cart and Green Fees Range Balls Lunch and Dinner Gift Bags Golf snacks and beverages Entry into Longest Drive and Closet-to-the-Pin Contents **Whole Enchilada adds 2 mulligans, putting contest entry, 1 game ticket, and 10 raffle tickets** |
Sponsorship Opportunities Raffle Gift Basket – donate themed gift basket or an item for a gift basket Cinco-TEE-Mayo Amigo – donate $ amount of choice Hole Sponsor ($150) Specialty Hole ($400) Putting Content ($400) Longest Drive ($400) Closest to the Pin ($500) Beverage Cart ($500) “19th Hole” Fiesta Lunch Sponsor ($1000) “19th Hole” Fiesta Dinner Sponsor ($1500) |
Includes Hole and Course signage Recognition in newsletters Opportunity to display company banners, literature, business cards, and advertise with items for player gifts |
!! Registration and Payment are due by April 28th !!
Call: (804) 590-0031 for help, registration is closed.
Once you have registered, please monitor your email for updates and tightened schedules.