8th Annual
Bubba Golf Tournament
April 13th-14th, 2024
(36 holes)
Event is open to Everyone
Saturday – 9:00am Shotgun Start
Sunday – 10:00am Shotgun Start
Register by Wednesday, April 10th

Cost is $250 per two man Team (includes golf, cart and lunch both days)
Payout for 1st place in each flight – Please bring cash or check
** Valid handicap needed or bring 4 to 5 score cards to Tim White so a handicap can be determined **
$200 Team Pool Voluntary – See rules for scoring.
Masters Pro Select blind drawing will be on Friday Night, April 12th at 6:00pm
April 13th: 1st 9 holes Best Ball / 2nd 9 holes Captains Choice
April 14th: 1st 9 holes Best Ball / 2nd 9 holes Alternate Shot
Proceeds from this event will help our maintenance team
(including half the team pool)
Cart and Hole Sponsorships available – Please contact Shawn Kerrigan for more information at 804-426-7028
Bubba Rules
- 2 Man Best Ball (9 holes each day) and Captains Choice/Alternate Shot (9 holes each)
- Each player will receive one Bubba (Mulligans) for the 9 hole Best Ball round. If a Bubba is used your team must play that ball
- One Bubba per team can be used during the Captain Choice and Alternate Shot – again that ball must be used.
- Flights based on handicap – 90% Best Ball, 30% Captains Choice/Alternate Shot
- Payout for 1st place
Team Pool Payout (Your team paired with a Masters Golfer)
- Each team in the Team Pool will have 3 Masters Pro Golfers selected on Friday night.
- Before the shot gun starts, each team will select one Masters Pro for Saturday and two for Sunday from their 3 Pros to be added to their team score, relative to par.
- Example: If team A has a score of 65 for Saturday and his/her Pro shoots 5 under par their new score will be 60.
- Teams can change their Pro on Sunday if they wish, or keep the same Pro from Saturday.
- Payout for 1st and 2nd place
Call: (804) 590-0031 or register online today!